4/30/2020 Philadelphia DA Press Release
Listen to the release of our report in collaboration with the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office

9/9/2017 Pierre Gooding Interview with Dr. Tina Zottoli
mass incaceration
4/17/2022 The Philadelphia Inquirer
"Even though about 1,000 people serving life sentences in Pennsylvania never took a life. And those releases hardly ever have a negative effect on public safety: Study after study shows the lifers whose sentences were commuted or were pardoned rarely go on to commit other crimes."
6/2/2021 The Conversation
"Sure enough, a survey of 93 defense attorneys found that plea bargaining practices have indeed changed during the pandemic. More than 60% of the lawyers surveyed said they thought prosecutors were offering more lenient deals than they would have before the pandemic. At the same time, more than 30% of the attorneys had a client who claimed innocence, but nevertheless accepted a plea offer because of concerns related to COVID-19."
5/3/2020 Pennsylvania Capital Star
"Study shows low recidivism rates among released Philly juvenile lifers"
5/3/2020 The Marshall Project
Philly juvenile lifers report is linked among a curated collection on recidivism resources
4/30/2020 New Jersey Patch
"Montclair State Univserity: New Study Finds 1% Recidivism Rate Among Released Philly Juvenile Lifers"
4/30/2020 The Philadelphia Tribune
"Study shows low rate of recidivism among juvenile lifers in Philadelphia who were released"