Zottoli, T. M., & Daftary-Kapur, T. (2019). Guilty pleas of youths and adults: Differences in legal knowledge and decision making. Law and Human Behavior, 43(2), 166-179
Zottoli, T.M., Daftary-Kapur, T., Winters, G.M. & Hogan, C. (2016). Plea discounts, time pressures and false guilty pleas in youth and adults who pleaded guilty to felonies New York City. Psychology, Public Policy and the Law, 22(3), 250-259
Zottoli, T.M., Daftary, T. & Zapf, P.A. (2015). We don’t always mean what we say: Attitudes toward statutory exclusion of juvenile offenders from juvenile court jurisdiction. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 15(5), 423-448.
Daftary-Kapur, T. & Zottoli, T.M. (2014). A first look at the plea deal experiences of juveniles charged In adult court. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 13(4), 323-336.
Dartnell, W. & Zottoli, T.M. (2020, August). Exploring Neural Correlates of Performance on the Iowa Gambling Task and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test in Adolescent and Young Adult Males. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association.
Zottoli, T.M., Bartlett, J., Grove, L., Daftary-Kapur, T. & Jehan, E. (2020, March). Law of
Unintended Consequences: Does New York City’s Youthful Offender law incentivize false guilty
pleas? Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society.
New Orleans, LA
Daftary-Kapur, T., Zottoli, T.M. Schneider, R. & Faust, T. (2020, March). Resentencing of
juveniles sentenced to life without parole: The Philadelphia experience. Paper presented at the
annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. New Orleans, LA
Hogan, C. Byrnes, K. & Zottoli, T.M. (2020, March). Grooming behavior in child-on-child sexual abuse cases. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. New Orleans, LA
Zottoli, T.M. & Daftary-Kapur, T. (2017, November). Plea discounts, time pressures and false guilty pleas in youth and adults who pleaded guilty to felonies New York City. Paper to be presented at the annual conference of the American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, PA
Zottoli, T.M., Daftary-Kapur, T. & Tahan, E. (2017, March). Differences in the decision making of youth and adults who pleaded guilty to felonies in New York City. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Seattle, WA
Zottoli, T.M., Daftary-Kapur, T., Campregher, J., Hogan, C., Reifsteck, T. & Tahan, E. (2016, March). Plea discounts, time pressures and false guilty pleas in youth and adults who pleaded guilty to felonies New York City. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Atlanta, GA
Zottoli, T.M., Daftary-Kapur, T., Winters, G., Hill, R., Texter, A. & Lawrence, F. (2015, March). Trial penalty, time pressure and plea deals for juveniles charged as adults. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology & Law Society, San Diego, CA
Daftary-Kapur, T., Zottoli, T.M., Lawrence, F., Aime, R., & Logan, B. (2014, November). Juveniles’ understanding of plea deals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA
Zottoli, T.M., Daftary-Kapur, T. & Haney-Caron, E. (in press). Youth in Juvenile and Criminal Court. In A. Redlich & J. Quas (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology and the Law.
Redlich, A. D., Zottoli, T., & Daftary-Kapur, T. (2019). Juvenile justice and plea bargaining. In V. A. Edkins & A. D. Redlich (Eds.), A System of Pleas: Social Science’s Contributions to the Real Legal System. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Constante, K., Zottoli, T.M. & Grose-Fifer, J. (2014). Anticipation of rewards in adolescents: An ERP study. Psychophysiology, Supplement 51
Zottoli, T.M. & Daftary-Kapur, T. (2013). Risk taking and the teenage brain. New Jersey Psychologist, 63(2), 11-12 (invited submission)
Daftary-Kapur, T., Henderson, K. & Zottoli, T.M. (2021). COVID-19 exacerbates existing system Factors that disadvantage defendants: Findings from a national survey of defense attorneys. Law and Human Behavior, 45(2), 81.
Bartlett, J. & Zottoli, T.M. (2021). The paradox of conviction probability: Mock defendants want better offers as likelihood of conviction increases. Law and Human Behavior. 45 (1), 39-54
Schneider, R.A. & Zottoli, T.M. (2019). Disentangling the effects of plea discount and potential trial sentence on decisions to plead guilty. Legal and Criminological Psychology. 24, 288-304
Zottoli, T.M., Daftary-Kapur, T., Edkins, V.A., Redlich, A.R., King, C.M., Dervan, L.E. & Tahan, E. (2019). State of the States: Advancing guilty plea research through a survey of laws in the United States. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 37, 388–434
Zottoli, T.M., Daftary-Kapur, T., Winters, G.M. & Hogan, C. (2016). Plea discounts, time pressures and false guilty pleas in youth and adults who pleaded guilty to felonies New York City. Psychology, Public Policy and the Law, 22(3), 250-259
Zottoli, T.M., Edkins, V.A., Helm, R.K., Bixter,M. & King, M. (accepted). Advancing guilty plea
research: The utility of computational methods. Paper to be presented at the annual conference
of the American Psychology and Law Society. Denver, CO
Helm, R.K., Zottoli, T.M., Bixter,M. & Edkins, V.A. (accepted). Developing a Plea Decision Model: Beyond the Shadow of Trial. Paper to be presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Denver, CO
Bixter,M., Edkins, V.A., Zottoli, T.M. & Helm, R.K., (accepted). Using a computational model to study guilty plea decisions. Paper to be presented at the annual conference of the American
Psychology and Law Society. Denver, CO
Edkins, V.A., Zottoli, T.M., Bixter,M., & Helm, R.K.(accepted). The Accessibility of Computational Modeling. Paper to be presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Denver, CO
Zottoli, T.M. (2020, March). Shedding new light on the black box: Plea decision-making of
defendants and prosecutors. Chair, Research Symposium held at the annual conference of the
American Psychology and Law Society. New Orleans, LA
Bartlett, J. & Zottoli, T.M. (2020, March). Settling for less when chances are good: How
conviction probability affects plea decisions. Paper presented at the annual conference of the
American Psychology and Law Society. New Orleans, LA
Faust, T., Daftary-Kapur, T. & Zottoli, T.M. (2020, March). The impact of pre-plea access to
evidence on estimates of conviction probability and plea decisions. Paper presented at the
annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. New Orleans, LA
Helm, R.K. & Zottoli, T.M. (2020, March). Models of Plea Decision-Making. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. New Orleans, LA
DelPozzo, J., Grove, L., Stettler, B. & Zottoli, T.M. (2020, March). Mental Illness, false
confessions and wrongful convictions. Paper presented at the annual conference of the
American Psychology and Law Society. New Orleans, LA
Daftary-Kapur, T., Zottoli, T.M. & Faust, T. (2019, March). An examination of the role of discovery, trial penalty, and innocence in plea decision making. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Portland, OR
Schneider, R. & Zottoli, T.M. (2019, March). The effect of plea discount and potential trial sentence on guilty plea decisions. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Portland, OR
Bartlett, J. & Zottoli, T.M. (2019, March). Willingness to accept plea offers varies with probability of conviction: is this evidence against the Shadow model? Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Portland, OR
Zottoli, T.M., Daftary-Kapur, T., Edkins, V.A., Redlich, A.R., King, C.M., Dervan, L.E. & Tahan, E. (2018, March). State of the states: Advancing guilty plea research through a survey of laws in the United States, Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Memphis, TN
Zottoli, T.M., Daftary-Kapur, T. & Hogan, C. (2018, March). Guilty pleas of youth and adults: Evidence supporting developmental differences in judgment and decision making. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Memphis, TN
Bartlett, J. & Zottoli, T. M. (2018, March). Sometimes the trial casts a long shadow: pleading guilty when odds are in your favor. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American
Psychology and Law Society. Memphis, TN
Zottoli, T.M. & Daftary-Kapur, T. (2017, November). Plea discounts, time pressures and false guilty pleas in youth and adults who pleaded guilty to felonies New York City. Paper to be presented at the annual conference of the American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, PA
Zottoli, T.M., Daftary-Kapur, T. & Tahan, E. (2017, March). Differences in the decision making of youth and adults who pleaded guilty to felonies in New York City. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Seattle, WA
Diaz Y., Salazar, D, Daftary-Kapur, T., & Zottoli, T.M. (2017, March). The effect of initial charge and evidence disclosure on plea deal decision making. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Seattle, WA
Zottoli, T.M., Daftary-Kapur, T., Campregher, J., Hogan, C., Reifsteck, T. & Tahan, E. (2016, March). Plea discounts, time pressures and false guilty pleas in youth and adults who pleaded guilty to felonies New York City. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Atlanta, GA
Daftary-Kapur, T. & Zottoli, T.M. (2015, March). Anchoring effects on plea deal decisions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology & Law Society, San Diego, CA
Redlich, A.R., Zottoli, T.M., Dezember, A., Schneider, R., Shammi, S. & Catlin. M. (in press). Emerging Issues in the Psycho-Legal Study of Guilty Pleas. In D. DeMatteo & K.C. Scherr, K.C. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Psychology and Law
Daftary-Kapur, T. & Zottoli, T.M. (2020, June). False guilty pleas: A collateral consequence of COVID 19? Medium.
Daftary-Kapur, T., Zottoli, T.M., Faust, T. & Schneider, R.A. (accepted). A first look at the reentry
experiences of juvenile lifers released in Philadelphia. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
Zottoli, T.M., Gur, O., Lightsey, C. & Daftary-Kapur, T. (2021, November). Resentencing and
Release of Juvenile Lifers: The Philadelphia Experience. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.
Daftary-Kapur, T., Zottoli, T.M. & Faust, T. (2021, November). How are they doing now?
Reintegration of Juvenile Lifers following release in Philadelphia. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.
Faust, T., Daftary-Kapur, T. & Zottoli, T., (2021, November). From the inside to the outside:
Navigating the unstructured world after decades of incarceration. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.
Zottoli, T.M & Daftary-Kapur, T. (conference cancelled) Early release of lifers: The National
Landscape. Accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, which was to be held in November 2020, Washington, D.C., and was cancelled due to COVID-19.
Daftary-Kapur, T., Zottoli, T.M., Faust, T. & Schneider, R. (conference cancelled) Resentencing of juvenile lifers in Philadelphia: A quantitative analysis of outcomes. Accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology which was to be held in November 2020 in Washington, D.C., and was cancelled due to COVID-19.
Faust, T., Daftary-Kapur, T., Zottoli, T.M. (conference cancelled) How are they doing now?
Reintegration of Juvenile Lifers following release in Philadelphia. Accepted for presentation at
the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology which was to be held in November
2020 in Washington, D.C., and was cancelled due to COVID-19.
Arnold, A., Daftary-Kapur, T. & Zottoli, T.M. (2020, March). From booking to plea: Time-
frames, attorney advisement, and understanding of the court process. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. New Orleans, LA
Schneider, R. & Zottoli, T.M. (2018, March). How big is too Big? The potentially coercive effects of plea discount on innocent defendants. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Memphis, TN
Bartlett, J., Zottoli, T.M., Diaz, Y & Keane, D. (2017, March). Moving toward a better model of plea deal decision making. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology and Law Society. Seattle, WA
Schneider, R., Bartlett, J. & Zottoli, T. (2020). Wrongful Conviction. In R. Roesch (Volume Ed.), Psychology and law, a volume of Routledge encyclopedia of psychology in the real world. New York: Routledge.
Daftary-Kapur, T. & Zottoli, T.M. (2020). Resentencing of Juvenile Lifers: The Philadelphia Experience.
Daftary-Kapur, T. & Zottoli, T.M. (upcoming). A first look at the reentry experiences of Juvenile Lifers in Philadelphia. Professional Newsletters/Journals
Zottoli, T.M. & King, C. & Daftary-Kapur, T. (2021, June). The Supreme Court didn’t abolish life without parole for children. America may do it anyway. Legal update. AP-LS Newsletter.
Zottoli, T.M. & Edkins, V.A. (2018, February). Ignorance of the law can no longer be an excuse for researchers. Legal update. AP-LS Newsletter.
Zottoli, T.M., Daftary-Kapur, T. & Kutateladze, B. (2021, January). To Succeed, NJ’s New
Criminal Justice Data Law Needs More Than Just Good Intentions.
Daftary-Kapur, T. & Zottoli, T.M. (2020, October). ‘Juvenile lifers’ should be considered for release during pandemic. The Philadelphia Inquirer.